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  • Treatment method of insufficient power of national three eng
  • Release date:[2021/02/03]
  • The reasons for the lack of power of the third engine of wheat machinery country include fuel system failure, intake and exhaust system failure, electrical system failure, no response of the fuel valve or failure to raise the speed. Let's take a look at the troubleshooting process.

    Fuel system fault

    (1) Check whether the low-pressure oil circuit is blocked, which can be checked by hitting a hanging bottle (using diesel oil from a regular gas station);

    (2) Check the fuel oil and replace the diesel oil in the regular gas station;

    (3) Check whether the vent pipe, inlet and return pipes of the fuel tank are seriously bent, check whether the inlet pipe is sucked and deflated, and repair or replace the faulty parts;

    (4) Check whether the filter screen or diesel filter of the oil transfer pump is blocked, clean the filter screen or replace the primary and secondary diesel filters;

    (5) Check whether the fuel system enters air and exhaust at the injector end of high-pressure oil pipe;

    (6) Check the cylinder disconnection in turn (pull out the EUP for the single pump model)

    Intake and exhaust system failure

    (1) Check whether the air filter and air inlet pipeline are blocked, and clean the air filter and air inlet pipeline;

    (2) Check whether there is air leakage in the booster intake pipeline and whether there is air leakage sound when the engine is running;

    (3) Check whether the exhaust pipeline and EGR pipeline have air leakage and whether there is air leakage sound when the engine is running;

    (4) Check whether the supercharger impeller shakes too much, the impeller is damaged, the shell is scratched, and whether there is oil channeling;

    (5) Check whether the exhaust pipe is blocked.

    Electrical system failure

    (1) Connect the diagnostic instrument and check whether the throttle opening is 100% after the throttle is added to the bottom; If it is not 100%, replace the throttle;

    (2) The throttle display is 100%, and the engine speed cannot reach the idle (calibrated) speed × About 1.05), contact the engine manufacturer for solution;

    (3) Connect the diagnostic instrument, check whether the water temperature sensor and circuit are faulty, resulting in virtual high water temperature, start the high temperature protection mode, repair or replace the sensor;

    (4) Check whether the engine water temperature is high, which causes the ECU to start the high temperature protection mode and limit the oil supply; Check the water tank, cooling pipeline, fan, fan belt, air guide cover, water pump and thermostat, and repair and replace the faulty parts;

    (5) Check whether the connector and circuit of boost pressure sensor are in poor contact, and re plug it;

    (6) Connect the diagnostic instrument, test the signal offset of the boost pressure sensor, and replace the boost pressure sensor.

    The fuel filler valve does not respond or the speed cannot be raised

    1. When the engine water temperature does not reach 40 ℃, the ECU program will perform the low temperature protection function. Use the diagnostic instrument to read the data stream, check the engine water temperature value, judge whether the low temperature protection function is enabled, and read the limited engine speed (throttle opening) in the data stream;

    2. Connect the diagnostic instrument to read the fault code. If there is a fault code, check the relevant harness and parts according to the fault code (such as whether the accelerator pedal is faulty);

    3. Contact the engine manufacturer to check whether the engine oil pump timing is correct.

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