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  • Discussion on market status and development suggestions of s
  • Release date:[2021/02/03]
  • In recent years, the rapid development of agricultural machinery market is obvious to all, and all kinds of new products are emerging. Crawler self-propelled rotary cultivator is one of them. Since its launch, the product has attracted many attention and expectations. In some areas, the sales are hot, and even the supply is in short supply, which has the potential to rise suddenly. However, this new product can only be "eye-catching" for a while, and can it stand the test of time?

    a new force suddenly rises

    Advantages and disadvantages of self-propelled rotary cultivator and wheeled tractor PK

    Wheeled tractors are undoubtedly advanced and very suitable for use in plain areas. However, for non plain areas such as lake areas, it is not suitable to use wheeled tractors for long-term repeated farming. It will deepen the mud feet in the field. Each farming time will deepen the cultivated mud layer. This will create a vicious circle and turn the paddy field into a deep mud foot field. When the end reaches a certain degree, It will lead to the failure of farming machines and tools to leave the field, resulting in the serious consequences of barren good fields.

    In contrast, the crawler self-propelled rotary cultivator solves this problem well. Because the rubber crawler is used as the walking device, the grounding area is large, the average grounding pressure is low, and the paddy field bottom is not damaged when walking, which can ensure the stability of paddy field farming depth. At the same time, due to the structure of rubber crawler and front balance frame, the machine will not produce two deep ditches during paddy field farming, and the cultivated land flatness is better than other farming machines and tools. However, the disadvantages of self-propelled rotary cultivators are also obvious. According to Yin Huilan of Xiaoxiang agricultural machinery in Changde City, the service life of self-propelled rotary cultivators is short, far less than that of wheeled tractors; Single function; It is applicable to paddy fields due to regional limitations, and the farming effect in dry lands is not ideal.

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